Blog Index
Apostles of the Sacred Heart
"Support Sr. Katie's Habit: My journey as an Apostle of the Sacred Heart of Jesus."
Benedictine Sisters of Yankton, Sacred Heart Monastery.
St. Emma Nuns vocational discernment blog, St. Emma Monastery, Greensburg, PA.
The Sisters of Saint Benedict's Monastery, St. Joseph, Minnesota.
Sister Elisabeth Meadows, O.S.B. of the Benedictine Sisters of Cullman, Alabama blogs at Living the Tradition: A Benedictine Blog.
"Listen with the ear of your heart" (i.e., listen deeply), the Rule of St. Benedict says. The Benedictine Sisters of Florida, Holy Name Monastery, St. Leo, Florida, help you do just that on their blog of the same name.
Sister Laurel M. O'Neal, a diocesan hermit in the Camoldolese Benedictine monastic tradition, blogs at Notes from Stillsong Hermitage.
From the Benedictine Sisters of Erie: Light through Stained-Glass Windows.
Sister Jennifer Mechtild Horner, O.S.B., vocation director for the Sisters of St. Benedict in Beech Grove, Indiana, has a blog: Sisters of Grace.
On the Catholic Benedictine Sisters Discernment Blog the Benedictine Sisters of St. Mary Monastery, Rock Island, Ill., blog with inquirers discerning their religious calling to monastic life. Also, from Rock Island Benedictine Sister Stefanie MacDonald, O.S.B. is Sr. Stefanie's ABCs: a Catholic preschool teacher's tips.
Sister Kim's Question and Answer Forum from the Mother of God Monastery of the Watertown, South Dakota.
Sister Suzanne Fitzmaurice, O.S.B., a Benedictine from Mount St. Scholastica Monastery, Atchison, Kansas, currently works as her community's Vocation Director and blogs at Nun Like Us.
Life at the Monastery of St. Gertrude is a glimpse into life at the monastery in Cottonwood, Idaho.
The Sisters' blog of the Sisters of St. Benedict of Ferdinand, Indiana.
The vocation center of the Benedictine Sisters of St. Scholastica Monastery in Fort Smith, Arkansas offers weekly online chat. Paths Without Obstacles Lead Nowhere, also from St. Scholastica and Sister Kimberly Prohaska, O.S.B., "is a page for those who are looking at religious life possibilities."
iBenedictines, Holy Trinity Monastery, East Hendred, a monastery of Roman Catholic Benedictine nuns in the Vale of White Horse, Oxfordshire, England.
The Benedictine sisters of Saint Mary's Abbey, Colwich, England offer the Colwich Novitiate blog, "a glimpse into the life of a Benedictine novitiate."
From the Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration in Clyde, Missouri: Amuzing Grace - Confessions of a Vocation Director; Sister Lynn Marie blogs about her community's life at Day by Day.
The Abbey of Saint Walburga, a community of Benedictine sisters in Virginia Dale, Colorado, has a blog at Also from Saint Walburga is Sister Genevieve Glen, O.S.B.'s Take with You Words: Reflections on scripture, liturgy and literature read through Benedictine eyes.
Marilyn Schauble, O.S.B., the oblate director for the Mount Saint Benedict Monastery-Community of Benedictine Women in Erie, Pennsylvania blogs at Living the Zeal of Benedict.
The Benedictine Sisters of Saint Joseph Monastery in Tulsa, Oklahoma blog at Benedictine Presence: A Vision of Peace.
From Queen of Angels Monastery in Mt. Angel, Oregon, comes Seeking God - A Benedictine Blog.
Also from Queen of Angels Monastery are Sister Hilda Kleiman, O.S.B.'s The Book of the Battle Maiden and Sister Jeanette von Herrmann, O.S.B.'s Ponderings: A Benedictine Blog Reflections on Life.
Monastics On A Journey . . . Reflections on the everyday wonders of the monastic life by a Benedictine Sister of Virginia.
Cenacle Sisters
Cybernun, Embracing God's world. Unable to Grasp God's Essence offers photography as a way to praise the God of the seen and the unseen, "God who is the Good, the True, the Beautiful.
Congregation of St. Joseph/Sisters of St. Joseph
Beyond the Habit: Out of the habit but not out of LOVE. : Biweekly writing by another sister of the Congregation of St. Joseph every week.
Sister Colleen Gibson, S.S.J.'s Wandering in Wonder: Finding My Way in this World by Being and Discovering Who I Am.
Sister Linda's BLOG of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Northwestern Pennsylvania.
Little Design is the blog of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet in St. Louis.
Sister Sandy Yost, C.S.J., a Sister of St. Joseph of Baden, Pennsylvania whose ministry is teaching engineering at the University of Detroit Mercy, has a blog, NUNSUCH: The adventures of a techie nun.
Musings of a Discerning Woman is the blog of Sister Susan Rose Francois, C.S.J.P. of the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace.
Susan Dewitt, a Sister of St. Joseph of Peace, blogs about living in El Salvador as coordinator for PazSalud, a health volunteer mission, at La Paz de Susan, and now has a new blog, PazSalud in El Salvador.
Sister Paula Vaghi, C.S.J. of the Sisters of Saint Joseph blogs at Spirit Sketches.
Choose Life is the blog of Sister Helen Prejean, C.S.J. of the Congregation of St. Joseph.
Sister Jeanne Gamache of the Congregation of St. Joseph blog at Sister Act 3.
Blog with Sister Joanne Gallagher, C.S.J. at A Sister of St. Joseph's Blog and learn more about being a Sisters of St. Joseph in today's world.
BayaThread is the blog of Sister of St. Joseph of Carondelet Baya Clare in Saint Paul, Minnesota. Also from the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet is Sister Irene O'Neill, C.S.J.'s The Blogging Nun.
Sister Amy Hereford, C.S.J. is studying at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in Belgium and blogging at
The blog of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Springfield.
Cistercian Sister Macrina Walker's A vow of conversation.
Congregation of Sisters of Bon Secours
Vocation Information from Sister Pat Dowling and the Sisters of Bon Secours.
Congregation of Sisters of St. Agnes
Sister Jean Hinderer of the Sisters of St. Agnes in Fond du Lac, WI blogs at Streams ‘N Stirrings.
Consecrated Virgins
By Love Alone from Emily Byers, the youngest consecrated virgin in the U.S.
Sponsa Christi . . . a young consecrated virgin reflects on her vocation.
Daughters of St. Paul
Keep up with the blogs of the Daughters of St. Paul, including Nun Blog by Sister Anne; Sacred Stillness by Sister Sharon Anne Legere; Let Christ Be Formed in Me!, the postulants' blog; Sister Rose Pacatte Goes to the Movies; Sister Julia Darrenkamp's Best Catholic Books; "Open wide the doors to Christ!" from Sister Marianne Lorraine Trouve; Sister Mary Peter Martin's P R Woman for Christ: A Catholic woman religious shares her daily life; "The media are windows to the soul of humanity . . . ." says Sister Marie Paul Curley on her WindowstotheSoulBlog, which explores the spirituality of Catholic media artists; Sister Jocelyn Veritas says of her bilingual blog Chi ci separerà dall'amore di Cristo?/Who can separate us from the love of Christ?: "As for me and my blog, we will serve the LORD!"; and don't miss Hell Burns, "The Media Literacy, Philosophy & Theology of the Body Journal of Sr. Helena Burns, Media Nun."
Also from Pauline Books & Media is Catholic News and Views, "A Weblog of Catholic Perspectives on Current Issues, Religion, and Ministry; Pauline Books & Media, Redwood City, CA has postings from one of the 15 Catholic Book & Media Centers owned and operated by the U.S./Toronto Province of the Daughters of St. Paul; and the lay Association of Pauline Cooperators is called to live the Pauline charism wherever they are and share the spirit and mission of the whole Pauline family.
Daughters of Charity
Drink Deeply, My Daughter: On a journey of postulancy with the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul.
The blogs of the Daughter of Charity Kenya and the Daughters of Charity Gaza.
Daughters of Charity Sister Anne Higgins, D.C. blogs at Scattered Showers in a Clear Sky.
Spirit of the Daughters of Charity is the blog of Sister Denise LaRock.
Collaborative Dominican Novitiate: A blog by Dominican Novices living at the CDN about their life in St. Louis.
The Dominican Nuns of Summit, New Jersey.
Sister Nancy Richter, O.P. blogs on behalf of Dominican Sisters Sharing Our Spirit.
Sister Lori K's Blog comes from the Dominican Sister of Springfield, Illinois.
OPReach is "A Dominican blog about preaching and vocations and sisters and nuns" by Sister Pat Farrell, O.P., a Dominican Sister of San Rafael, California.
The Dominican Sisters of Blauvelt have a blog.
Franciscan Life, from Sister Ann Marie Slavin, O.S.F. of the Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia.
Messy Jesus Business is a blog by Franciscan Sister of Perpetual Adoration Julia Walsh. Adding her voice-her personal reflections-to the reality of gospel living, Sister Julia contemplates the gospel and invites her readers to "challenge the ways of the world." From time to time Sister Julia will invite guest bloggers to add their voices to the messiness of this Jesus Business. Be sure to subscribe so you never miss a post.
The blog of the Franciscan Sisters of Chicago.
From the Felician Sisters: The Word of God.
Show me a sign: Blogger and Franciscan Sister of Perpetual Adoration Amy Taylor provides discerning women (and anyone walking with them) a look at religious life with FSPA and provides a roadmap for discernment. This is a great resource to read about religious life from sisters walking the journey.
The School Sisters of St. Francis, Panhandle, Texas have a blog.
The Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration of Our Lady of Solitude Monastery in Phoenix, Arizona blog at Nun News and Building Blogs.
Franciscan Footprints is the blog of the Sisters of the Third Order of St. Francis, East Peoria, Illinois.
Living Franciscan, the blog of the Franciscan Sisters of Little Falls, Minnesota, is "a glimpse of the compassion, spirituality, interconnectedness, and goodness of living Franciscan."
The Sisters of St. Francis of the Martyr St. George blog at 1 Franciscan Way.
Franciscan Life is Sister of St. Francis of Philadelphia Ann Marie's blog which "describes my life as a Sister of St. Francis, talks about some of my interests, and shares views on justice issues."
Sister Patricia Novak, O.S.F., is vocation director for the Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia and blogs from Portland, Oregon at Nun Other Than a Franciscan Sister.
The vocation blog of the School Sisters of St. Francis.
Our Franciscan Fiat is the blog of the Franciscan Sisters of Dillingen in Hankinson, N.D.
Fr. Kolbe Missionaries of the Immaculata
Fr. Kolbe Missionaries of the Immaculata.
Good Shepherd Sisters
The Sisters of the Good Shepherd update their homepage with news and posts.
Grey Nuns of the Sacred Heart
greynun - Creating a Compassionate World, one word at a time.
Holy Family Sisters
The Sisters of the Holy Family's Web Log.
Holy Names of Jesus and Mary
Untamed Grace is the blog of Sister Crystal Clark of the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary, "Sharings, aspirations and folly . . . Lassoing foolishness, wearing it like it's never going out of style and loving the Spirit."
Holy Spirit Missionary Sisters
The Holy Spirit Missionary Sisters host the SSpSWorld Blog.
Little Company of Mary
The LCM Blog of the Little Company of Mary of the Irish Province.
Marianist Sister Nicole Trahan blogs at The Life of a New Sister.
Mission Helpers of the Sacred Heart
From The Heart is the blog of the Mission Helpers of the Sacred Heart.
Missionary Servants of the Most Blessed Trinity
Life at Trinita - "A Catholic mission in rural Connecticut since 1923: find out what the Missionary Servants are up to"
Sister Mary Kay, M.S.B.T. blogs at Trinitarian Times. The blog is also available in Spanish at Hna Cata Sierva Misionera.
Contemplative Horizon is the blog of Sister Hildegard Pleva, O.Ss.R. of the Redemptoristine Nuns, Mother of Perpetual Help Monastery, Esopus, New York.
Ashley Kleist of the Salesian Sisters writes from Out of the Depths.
Sister Colleen Clair, F.M.A. of the Salesian Sisters of Saint John Bosco blogs at Happynun tells all . . . A Sister Speaks!
Living Scripture: The Word Became Flesh . . . How Does The Word Come To Life In You? is the blog of Sister Mary Terzo, F.M.A. of the Salesian Sisters of Saint John Bosco.
Sisters of Charity
Each Day Counts is a blog by Sister Janet Gildea that reflects on the gift of life and the mystery of God's breaking through in our everyday experiences. Sister Janet is the formation director for the Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati and writes from Casa de Caridad, the S.C. formation community at the U.S.-Mexico border.
You can follow Sister Nancy Gerth, S.C.N., vocation director for the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth, Kentucky, at sister nancy's omg blog.
Sisters of the Sorrowful Mother
Sister Dorothy Ann Dirkx, Vocation Director of the SSM, hosts a scripture blog Sr Dorothy Ann's Blog as well as a Discernment and religious life blog.
Sisters of Providence
Are You Hearing God’s Call? is written by sisters in initial formation with the Sisters of Providence
God's Providence is a spot about discernment, prayer, God, and other related topics. There's also God's Providence: A site for women interested in talking about vocation.
The Sisters of Providence blog, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana.
Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
A Nun's Life is Sister Julie Vieira, I.H.M.'s blog about "Catholic Sisters and Nuns in Today's World."
IHM Calling is the blog of the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Monroe, Michigan.
Sisters of Our Lady Immaculate
The Daughters of St. Joseph, Port Hood, Nova Scotia have a Daughters of St. Joseph, Port Hood Blog. The Daughters are a group for girls ages 9-17 (younger may join if requested) founded by the Sisters of Our Lady Immaculate who wanted to form a group for girls to help them grow in their faith, have fun together, and serve in the church and community and who take Saint Joseph as a spiritual father.
Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
The blog of the Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Sisters of St. Francis of the Martyr St. George
1 Franciscan Way.
Sisters of Notre Dame
The Sisters of Notre Dame Express Blog.
The Sisters of Notre Dame, Chardon Province, offer Catholic Faith Corner: Understanding, Teaching, and Living the Faith; by Sr. Kathleen Glavich, S.N.D.; Sunflower Seeds: Celebrating Everyday Spirituality by Sr. Melannie Svoboda, S.N.D..; Living Justly: Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation by Sr. Kathleen Ryan, S.N.D.; Prayer Poems: Poetic Reflections for Sundays and Feastdays by Sr. Juliemarie McDonald, S.N.D; Catholic Web Solutions: Serving Catholic Organizations and Religious Communities by Sr. Susan Wolf, S.N.D.; and Grace to Paint: Daily Oil Paintings by Sr. Maresa Lilley, S.N.D.
The Sisters of Notre Dame, California Province blog at In the Hands of the Potter.
Sisters of the Holy Redeemer
The Sisters of the Holy Redeemer blog.
Sisters of Saint Mary of Namur
Sisters of Saint Mary of Namur Vocation Chat.
Sisters of the Incarnate Word and Blessed Sacrament
A Love that Never Says Enough of the Sisters of the Incarnate Word and Blessed Sacrament.
Sisters of the Gospel of Life
Glasgow, Scotland's Sisters Roseann, Amanda, and Andrea have a community blog, Sisters of the Gospel of Life.
Sisters of the Divine Savior (Salvatorians)
Salvatorian Sentiments is the blog of the Sisters of the Divine Savior, also known as the Salvatorians. Share in the joy and vitality of consecrated life through the eyes of Sr. Karlyn Cauley (Folk Artist), Sr. Jenada Fanetti (Jenada’s Jewels), Sr. Liz Christensen and more.
Society of the Sacred Heart
On Reflections of an RSCJ Society of the Sacred Heart Sister Helen Rosenthal, R.S.C.J. offers "Daily reflections for prayer, growth in the spiritual life, and good prayer sources" as well as a list of spiritual books.
Communitas et Caritas (Community and Love): The unexpected twists and turns of becoming a nun is the blog of Juliet Mousseau of the Religious of the Sacred Heart.
Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity
NunEssential is the blog of the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity.
Ursuline Sisters
Backlit With Joy is the vocation blog of the Ursulines of the Roman Union, United States provinces.
Windows on Ursuline Life is the blog of the Ursuline Sisters of the Eastern Province.
On The Journey, Sister Martha Keller, director of vocation ministry for the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph, shares her daily encounters on the journey with Saint Angela.
Visitation Sisters
The Visitation Sisters of the Visitation Monastery of Minneapolis, who are "living the monastic way in the inner city," also blog.
The Sisters of the Visitation of Georgetown in Washington D.C. host the Live + Jesus! blog, "monastic musings in the tradition of Saint Francis de Sales and Saint Jane de Chantal."
Sister Judith blogs at Hope-full Signs.
Lisa blogs at From Where I Write.
Visitation Sisters
The Visitation Sisters of the Visitation Monastery of Minneapolis, who are "living the monastic way in the inner city," also blog.
The Sisters of the Visitation of Georgetown in Washington D.C. host the Live + Jesus! blog, "monastic musings in the tradition of Saint Francis de Sales and Saint Jane de Chantal."
Portsmouth Abbey, Portsmouth, Rhode Island.
The blog of Subiaco Abbey, Subiaco, Arkansas.
St. Vincent Archabbey Vocations Blog, Latrobe, Pennsylvania.
The Monk's Blog of St. Mary's Abbey, Morristown, New Jersey.
Saint John's Abbey Vocations, Collegeville, Minnesota.
St. Bernard Abbey Vocations Blog, Cullman, Alabama.
Prior Peter Funk, O.S.B. of the Benedictine Monastery of the Holy Cross on Chicago's South Side writes the Prior's blog.
Prior of New Camaldoli Hermitage blog, Big Sur, California.
Doug Herbek, a postulant at New Camaldoli Hermitage on the Big Sur coast of California's blog Monastic Contemplation.
Brothers of St. John of God
Brothers of the Sacred Heart
Mission Amatongas (in Mozambique) from Brother of the Sacred Heart Chris Sweeney, S.C.
Brother of the Sacred Heart Patrick Cousins (B.P. to his students) shares about life, being young in religious life today, and things theological that strike his fancy on Brother Patrick's Blog.
The blog of the Abbey of New Clairvaux, Vina, CA.
Doug Herbek, a postulant at New Camaldoli Hermitage on the Big Sur coast of California's blog Monastic Contemplation.
Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary
Sacred Heartbeat is the blog of the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
The Crosier Blog of the Crosier Fathers and Brothers.
Father Bob Rossi, C.S.C., of the Canons Regular of the Order of the Holy Cross (the Crosiers) offers RegularCanonFire, "reflections on the Gospel and on Religious Life to provoke thought and deepen commitment."
De La Salle Christian Brothers
Brother George Van Grieken, director of vocation ministry for the District of San Francisco of the De La Salle Christian Brothers, blogs at Lasallian Ruminations.
Discalced Carmelite Friars
Father Michael Berry, O.C.D. vocation director for the Discalced Carmelite Friars, Washington Province, keeps a blog called The Discalced Carmel - Called to the Royal Road of Prayer.
No Place Like Home: A blog of the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas
The vocation office of the Diocese of Columbus, Ohio hosts a website for vocations to the diocesan priesthood, seekholiness.
Vocations Blog by Father John Pitzer.
The Dominicans have an Order of Preachers Vocations blog.
The student-brothers of the English Dominican province blog at Godzdogz.
Father Kyle Schnippel, director of vocations for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, blogs at Called by Name.
Go where God needs you is the blog of the Edmundites.
Vocation Blog, Capuchin Franciscans, Province of St. Conrad.
Discern the Call: Life as a Franciscan Friar: "Join us and your fellow discerners as we explore and discern a vocation to religious life as a Franciscan Friar of the Province of Saint Barbara."
Be A Franciscan: News and views from the Franciscan Vocation Ministry of the Holy Name Province.
The Franciscan Friars, T.O.R., Province of the Immaculate Conception, offer Spiritual Reflections and News from the Franciscan Friars, TOR.
From the Province of the Immaculate Conception Order of Friars Minor: An Ambassador for Christ, the blog of Father Christopher Gaffrey, O.F.M.; ALVIN, from Friar Alvin Te; A Friar's Life, the blog of Friar Tom Washburn.
From the Capuchins: Capuchin Franciscans, Province of St. Joseph. Also: the blog of the Capuchin Franciscan Province of St. Joseph.
On Father Don's Vocation Blog Franciscan Father Don Miller of the Province of St. John the Baptist of the Order of Friars Minor shares his views and observations about travel and vocation experiences. He welcomes your comments and reflections in this informal and he hopes thought-provoking-conversation.
Friar Rick's Blog: Reflections on how life and faith come together.
Holy Cross
Holy Cross Vocations, Congregation of Holy Cross, United States Province.
GODsTALKed~Pursuits of a Hyphenated Priest from Father Mark Mossa, S.J. Joe Koczera, S.J. blogs at The City and the World.
Marianist Brother Tom Wendorf, S.M.’s My Calling: My life as a Marianist brother.
Missionaries of the Sacred Heart
The Missionaries of the Sacred Heart host several blogs:
Ametur aims to spread the Spirituality of the Heart, primarily through Sunday homilies but it also includes several weekday and feastday homilies as well as other reflections. Ametur is written by Father Antony Lazar, M.S.C., a Missionary of the Sacred Heart from India currently working at Holy Family Parish in Nazareth, Pennsylvania. Thanks to his experiences in India, Father Antony frequently references Hinduism in his posts, so readers can come to a better understanding of Catholicism and at the same time help promoting religious tolerance by learning a little about Hinduism.
From Father Stephen Cuyos, M.S.C., Fr. Stephen, MSC.
Jules Chevalier Family + One Family, One Heart! gives updates on the activities of the M.S.C. community in the United States and the world.
Oblates of the Virgin Mary
Oblates of the Virgin Mary Seminarians’ Blog.
The Paulist Fathers.
Paulist Fathers' seminarian Tom Gibbons has a blog: "Kicking and Screaming."
PIME Missionaries
The PIME Missionaries USA.
Presentation Brothers
The Blogging Brother of the Anglo Irish Province of the Presentation Brothers.
Priests of the Sacred Heart
The Priests of the Sacred Heart offer Walk with us! Reflections from SCJs and friends.
Salesians of Don Bosco, Vocations Office, Eastern Province of the USA and Canada.
Society of Mary
Into the Deep: The Vocation Blog of the Province of Meribah of the priests and brothers of the Society of Mary.
The Society of Saint Joseph of the Sacred Heart
Deacon Timothy Tilghman, of the Society of Saint Joseph of the Sacred Heart, runs the Mission Director's Blog.
Society of the Divine Word
Divine Word College's Explore Your Call.
Xaverian Missionaries
Catholic Global Mission Today is the blog of the Xaverian Missionaries USA.
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