We are 85 women who seek God through community life, prayer, ministry, and care for all creation. The Rule of St. Benedict and Sacred Scripture are our guides as we deepen our relationship with Jesus Christ through daily personal and communal prayer. From this stance, our ministry focuses on enhancing the lives of others as we respond to the needs of our times. We strive to eliminate the root causes of injustice through prophetic witness to Christian values, education, and emphasis on care for all creation. Our ministries include Sophia Center, an on-campus spirituality center and Dooley Center, care of our monastic elders both in Atchison, and Keeler Women's Center, which serves the urban core of Kansas City, KS, Other sisters are engaged in health care, social service, writing and teaching. We invite women between the ages 22-55 who seek more information, to visit or contact us.
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- 🔗Mount St. Scholastica website
- 🔗Mount St. Scholastica Facebook
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- 🔗Mount St. Scholastica Vocations Twitter
- 🔗Mount St. Scholastica Vocations Instagram
- 🔗North American Benedictine Vocation Formation Conference website
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Additional videos - 🔗160th anniversary video
- 🔗Vocation video
- 🔗Sr. Delores, O.S.B. Gratitude Talk
Upcoming Events
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