Marianists, Society of Mary (S.M.) [Code: 105]

Member of the National Religious Vocation Conference

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As part of a great society of holy men, we represent "the man that never dies" in service to Mary's mission in the world. The Marianist Province of the U.S. includes professed brothers and priests serving and living in the U.S., Ireland, and Mexico as well as mission work in India and East Africa as part of the global Society of Mary. Marianist Brothers around the world spread the Gospel and serve the poor as teachers, missionaries, priests, spiritual companions, retreat masters, artists, writers, professors, formators and more. 

Marianist Brothers are part of the wider Marianist Family which, together with laypeople and Marianist Sisters, forms a large and vibrant community serving with joy and true family spirit. In the U.S., the Marianists sponsor three universities—The University of Dayton, St. Mary's University in San Antonio, and Chaminade University of Honolulu — as well as numerous high schools, parishes, outreach ministries, and retreat centers.

Why a devotion to Mary? More than 200 years ago, in 1817, Blessed William Joseph Chaminade founded the Society of Mary in France with a unique vision to form a community modeled after the first disciples. Marianist brothers and priests live and minister together as equals, looking to Mary, the Mother of Jesus and the First Disciple, as their patron and guide. Following Mary’s request to "do whatever He tells you," they draw close to Jesus ready to be of service.

Could you be a future Marianist Brother? Marianist Brothers welcome you to learn more about our path "to Jesus through Mary" and discern whether religious life might be calling you. Contact us for invitations and opportunities to meet the Brothers, visit our communities, join us for fellowship and see the Marianists in action.

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Marianists, Society of Mary (S.M.)


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