Salesian Sisters of St. John Bosco, Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (F.M.A.) [Code: 255]

Member of the National Religious Vocation Conference

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Bringing Christ to the young and the young closer to Christ: That has been our clear and consistent mission since 1872 when we were founded by St. John Bosco and St. Mary Mazzarello in Italy! The Salesian Sisters—over 11,000—currently serve in 97 countries on six continents. We live a strong joyful life of community, prayer, and mission with and for the YOUTH, especially the poorest and most at risk. In our mission of education, formation, and evangelization, we accompany young people in schools, oratories, youth centers, summer camps, catechetical programs, parish and diocesan youth and young adult ministries, retreat centers, and more. Contact our Western Province or Eastern Province if you feel God stirring your heart to a life of rewarding sacrifice for the salvation of young people!

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Salesian Sisters of St. John Bosco, Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (F.M.A.)


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