We are a cloistered Community called to an apostolate of prayer, sacrifice, and penance for all humanity, the intentions of Holy Church, and especially for priests. Guided by the teachings of our Founders, Saints Teresa of Jesus (Avila) and John of the Cross, we come from diverse backgrounds and seek Divine intimacy in a joyful Community life of prayer fostered by silence and solitude. Some Spanish customs are maintained in grateful recognition of our Teresian heritage and of our Community’s Foundresses who fled the religious persecution of the Mexican Cristero War (1927) and eventually established our new home in San Francisco (1931). Daily life includes: Holy Mass (Ordinary/Extraordinary), full Liturgy of the Hours, Rosary in common, Spiritual Reading, work duties, and Recreation taken together. There are also days of Eucharistic Adoration, and Sunday Benediction. We wear the traditional habit. REQUIRED: Age: Cloistered Sister 20-40, Extern Sister 18-55, sound mental and physical health, United States citizenship. Age exceptions are considered on an individual basis.
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