We are a religious missionary order of brothers, some of whom have been called to the priesthood. However, we make no distinction between members. We simply refer to each other as brothers and seek to share with the world our unique 'heart spirituality.' Who we are and how we engage with the world is deeply enshrined in our Constitutions (Rule of Life). We say that: Ours is a spirit of family and a spirit of brotherhood, formed in kindness and understanding, by compassion and mutual forgiveness, by gentleness, humility and simplicity, hospitality and a sense of humor. We are part of a large and diverse network spread over 54 counties throughout the world in every culture and language. Our great gift is our ordinariness and our willingness to serve God by making ourselves available and present at the most difficult, challenging, and celebratory moments in people's lives. This is a true testament to what we are all about and the message our founder, Jules Chevalier (1824-1907), a French priest, missioned us to bring to the world. With the motto “To be on Earth the Human Heart of God,” our mission is to be messengers of God's compassion. This forms the bedrock of all we do whether in our missions in Venezuela, South Africa, and Texas. Or in Ireland and the United Kingdom, our home territories. Our ministries are broad and diverse and always responding to the needs of the Church and local communities. We work in parishes, education (secondary and third level), chaplaincy (healthcare and prison), counseling, spiritual direction, and coaching. If you are an ordinary man with a sense of humor who is struggling to understand God's call, then perhaps God is calling you to be a Missionary of the Sacred Heart. Our Vocations Team of Con and Tony would be happy to hear from you. Member of Vocations Ireland.
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