Sisters of the Resurrection (C.R.), Immaculate Conception-Chicago Province [Code: 639]

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As Sisters of the Resurrection, we believe in the transforming power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. We believe that His resurrection is the ultimate expression of hope and love. Empowered by Christ’s example, we strive to embody that sense of hope and love in all aspects of our lives and in our ministries. We give our lives to God through the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. Continuing the tradition of our foundresses, Blessed Celine, a widow, and her daughter Hedwig, we focus on listening and responding to the needs of others, especially in the areas of healthcare and education.We strive to transform events and attitudes for individuals and society from loss to gain, despair to hope and sadness to joy. God continues to call women to be His companions on the great journey of life. Could He be calling you?

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Sisters of the Resurrection (C.R.), Immaculate Conception-Chicago Province


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