Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace (C.S.J.P.), UK [Code: 406]

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“We want brave, noble, large-minded, and courageous souls.” Those attributes, written by Founder, Mother Clare in 1887, are among those we seek in new members today as our Congregation recommits to Jesus’ way of radical hospitality. Contemplative discernment and our charism of peace through justice compel us to expand and create new ministries not just “for” but “with” people who’ve been pushed to the margins. Called to carry on the mission of Jesus, we practice hospitality, nonviolence, and care for creation. Recalling Jesus’ identification with the prophetic tradition, we develop a critical, sensitive conscience regarding religious, social, cultural, economic, and political realities. Prayer is fundamental to our life. Our presence to one another in community enables, sustains, and challenges us to be responsive to our mission. Our sisters and associates minister in education, healthcare, social justice, parish ministry, spiritual direction, and peace ministry in the U.S., U.K., and Haiti. Contact us to learn more. Member of Compass.

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