Calendario de Eventos

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InicioCalendarioChoose-your-own Discernment Days
Choose-your-own Discernment Days

Choose-your-own Discernment Days

Men exploring Franciscan religious life, ages 18-35: Discernment Visits are not so much retreats as they are active experiences of the Franciscan life. Visits include sharing in the brothers' prayer routine, meals, and works of mercy. Not everyone can fit their schedule to our "posted" discernment weekends, or "Come&See". If you need to request a different time that you can get off of work/school to visit us, go ahead and email me with your possible dates, and we will check our schedule and see what is possible.
Jan 24 2025 - Dec 22 2025
12:00 AM - 11:59 PM
Detalles de la Fecha del Evento
Typical stays are 3 nights in length, but could be 1 to 5 nights, depending on the Brothers' availability. We recommend a Friday to a Monday to experience the best range of our ministries. Ideal for 2025: from a Friday at 3pm, to a Monday at 8pm. We are central timezone. Let us know what you can do.
Información de Contacto
Inquire with Brother Paschal by emailing
Jan 24 2025 - Dec 22 2025
12:00 AM - 11:59 PM
GMAP Single!
Choose-your-own Discernment Days
Men exploring Franciscan religious life, ages 18-35: Discernment Visits are not so much retreats as they are active experiences of the Franciscan life. Visits include sharing in the brothers' prayer routine, meals, and works of mercy. Not everyone can fit their schedule to our "posted" discernment weekends, or "Come&See". If you need to request a different time that you can get off of work/school to visit us, go ahead and email me with your possible dates, and we will check our schedule and see what is possible.
  • Jan 24 - Dec 22
  • 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM
  • 1101 Desoto Street Blessed Solanus Casey Friary, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55130, US
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