Crosier Fathers and Brothers (O.S.C.) [Code: 099]

Membre de la Conférence Religieuse Nationale des Vocations

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Crosiers long to imitate Christ through the union of mind and heart as brothers through a life of liturgical prayer and active ministry. Inspired by the Rule of St. Augustine, we live together in community, serving the Church and the needs of the world. Consider becoming a Crosier if you have a deep passion to follow Christ as a priest or a brother. We seek to touch suffering with hope through our contemplative routines and active ministerial life. If you feel God is calling you to join other men devoted to praying the liturgy of the Church and ministering to the people of God, then consider becoming a Crosier! We are an international order with a Generalate in Rome. Our U.S. communities are in Onamia, Minnesota, and Phoenix, Arizona, where we are headquartered. Contact our Conventual Prior Fr. Alex Juguilon, osc.

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Crosier Fathers and Brothers (O.S.C.)




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