Trappist Cistercian Monks (O.C.S.O.) Conyers, GA, Holy Spirit Monastery [Code: 151]

Membre de la Conférence Religieuse Nationale des Vocations

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In the Georgia Piedmont 35 of us share life in a contemplative community. Ages range from 28 to 93. We have joined our neighbors in going green by fostering stream restoration, an organic vegetable garden, and a natural burial cemetery. We value silence, solitude, manual labor, compassion, the Eucharist, personal and communal prayer, friendship and forgiveness. We honor the good in our society and yet challenge its illusions, especially the assumption that our identity and value depend on what we do, and on what others think of us. We work with hardships and challenges, knowing that these contribute to spiritual and emotional maturation, leading us beyond resistance to giving ourselves away, at ever deeper levels.

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