Vincentians (C.M.), Congregation of the Mission [Code: 178]

Membre de la Conférence Religieuse Nationale des Vocations

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Confronted by severe poverty in France in the 1600’s and spiritual weariness due to an uneducated clergy, St. Vincent de Paul committed his life to championing the needs of the poor and opening seminaries to train clergy. Since our founding in 1625, Vincent’s community of priests and brothers work to spread God’s message of hope to the poor and train priests and laity to serve and advocate for those living in poverty. We serve in 53 provinces on five continents alongside the laity of the Vincentian Family. We strive to be Men on a mission serving Christ in the poor. We welcome you to join us. Experience the Vincentian charism as a priest or brother in our Congregation! Contact us.

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Vincentians (C.M.), Congregation of the Mission




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