Missionaries of Our Lady of La Salette (M.S.) [Code: 225]

Membre de la Conférence Religieuse Nationale des Vocations

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The Missionaries of La Salette are an international Catholic Religious Community of men and women, founded and inspired by the apparition of Our Blessed Lady to two children in the small village of La Salette in the French Alps on September 19, 1846. Her message emboldens our life and mission, devoting ourselves to the charism of reconciliation. Established in the United States and Canada in 1892, our ministries are many, including shrines, parishes, chaplaincies, home and foreign missions, teaching, counseling, music and youth ministries. If you are between the ages of 18 - 45 and would like to learn more about us, please contact the La Salette Vocation Office.

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Come & See
Jun 19 2025 - Jun 22 2025 947 Park Street National Shrine of Our Lady of La Salette, Attleboro, Massachusetts 02703, US




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