Benedictine Sisters (O.S.B.), Lutherville, MD, Emmanuel Monastery [Code: 319]

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We are a small monastic community that continues the 1500-year-old tradition of St. Benedict and St. Scholastica. What could a fifth century rule of life have to say to the 21st century? The spirituality of the Rule of Benedict deals with human life lived in harmony with others. Its focus is on forgiveness, justice, leadership and authority, peace, hospitality, balance, work, and care of the earth. Through stability, we are empowered to remain rooted in God’s love in solidarity with our sisters in community. Fidelity to the monastic way of life (Conversatio) celebrates our human incompleteness and the potential in us to be transformed through the common life. Obedience calls us to “listen with the ear of our hearts” to the voice of God in Scripture, the Rule, our Prioress, one another, the world around us, and in our own hearts. Does this life appeal to you? Come join us.

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