Jesuits (S.J.), Society of Jesus, UK [Code: 423]

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Founded by St. Ignatius of Loyola in 1540, and living in the spirit of his Spiritual Exercises, we are servants of Christ participating in the Church’s overall mission of evangelization. We seek to proclaim Christ’s love by our service of the poor and our work for justice. We seek to uncover His presence in our world through our engagement with culture and through dialogue with men and women of other faiths. We seek to promote His kingdom by being instruments of reconciliation, in humanity’s relationship with God, with creation, and amongst peoples. We are sent to where the needs are greatest, and in particular to the frontiers where faith and culture meet, where peoples of different faiths and no faith encounter one another. We receive particular missions entrusted to us by the Pope for the service of the Church. Contact us to learn more. Member of Compass.

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