The Sulpicians, Province of the U.S. [Code: 463]

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The Society of the Priests of Saint Sulpice has an uncommon name and a unique mission: we are the only Roman Catholic diocesan priests in the world with the singular responsibility of educating, guiding and supporting fellow priests. Since 1641, we have dedicated ourselves to assisting bishops by providing seminary education and ongoing formation of fellow priests. In the US, the Sulpician Fathers established the first Roman Catholic seminary in 1791, and today remain devoted to operating seminaries and programs of continuing formation, including a seminary in Zambia, Central Africa and Kachebere, Malawi. We seek qualified Roman Catholic diocesan priests who sense a vocation to priestly formation and have had at least two years of parish experience to join our apostolate. For more information visit our website.

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The Sulpicians, Province of the U.S.


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