National Office for Vocation, U.K. [Code: 499]

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Have you ever wondered whether the life of a nun, monk, sister, priest, or brother might just be for you? Compass helps you find your direction. Compass enables you to hear the call of Christ in your life. Compass groups meet for weekends over the course of an academic year, during the course of which participants have the opportunity of praying, sharing and discussing such topics as discernment, vocation, prayer, ministry, and the religious vows. There are currently two Compass groups in England, one meets at Worth Abbey in Sussex, and the other is mainly based in Katherine House FCJ in Salford with one weekend at Our Lady of Hyning Monastery, Carnforth. Both groups are run by a male and a female religious from religious congregations--both apostolic and monastic--which are members of the Conference of Religious and the board of Catholic Vocations Project (an independent charity). Go to our website to learn more. 

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