Franciscan Missionary Sisters for Africa (F.M.S.A.), IE [Code: 516]

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The Franciscan Missionary Sisters for Africa is an international missionary congregation founded by Teresa Kearney, more commonly known as Mother Kevin or Mama Kevina. As members of the Third Order Regular of St. Francis of Assisi, our vocation is be women of faith, consecrated to God in a community of love, joy, and simplicity. Impelled by the love of Christ, we are ready to be sent on mission. We respond with courage and zeal to the real needs of God’s people. We approach the people of God with Reverence so that together we may grow in the fullness of the Gospel. We currently have members in Uganda, Kenya, Zambia, Zimbabwe, South Sudan, America, Ireland, and Scotland. Africa has always been the major focus for our work, but wherever we are, we have a particular concern for the most needy and marginalized members of society. Contact us for more information. Member of Vocations Ireland.

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