Medical Missionaries of Mary (M.M.M.), IE [Code: 518]

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We are an international congregation of women religious, founded by Mother Mary Martin in Nigeria, in 1937. Desiring to share Christ’s healing love, we bring health services to people of different cultures where human needs are great. MMMs are serving in 14 countries around the world, including our newest mission in the Republic of South Sudan. Sisters are trained in a variety of health-related professions. With Mary as our model, our special concern is the care of mother and child and the fostering of family life. In a world deeply and violently divided, we are women on fire with the healing love of God. Engaging our own pain and vulnerability, we go to peoples of different cultures, where human needs are greatest. Our belief in the inter-relatedness of God’s creation urges us to embrace holistic healing and to work for reconciliation, justice and peace. Contact us. Member of Vocations Ireland.

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