Discalced Carmelite Friars (O.C.D.), IE [Code: 534]

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The Discalced Carmelite Family is a religious order in the Roman Catholic Church. We, the members, trace our roots back to the ancient hermits on Mount Carmel, Israel, in the 13th century. Like them, we try to follow Christ with special emphasis on Scripture and prayer. In this we take Mary as our model. Our way of life was reinterpreted for us in the 16th century by St. Teresa of Avila with the help of St. John of the Cross. That is why we are sometimes today referred to as "Teresian Carmelites". Our website provides information for those interested in a Carmelite vocation. It tells you a little about us, the formation process, and how to get in touch. We look forward to hearing from you.  Member of Vocations Ireland.

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