Prospect-Response Statistics for...

VISION Vocation Network

Prospect-Response Statistics for:

I am a

Response Number of responses Percentage of total
Female 731 54.88
Male 601 45.12
Total 1332 100 %

My age

ResponseMen CountMen PercentWomen CountWomen PercentTotal countTotal Percent
17 or less 70 5.26 % 87 6.53 % 157 11.79 %
18 - 19 52 3.90 % 77 5.78 % 129 9.68 %
20 - 24 168 12.61 % 180 13.51 % 348 26.13 %
25 - 29 98 7.36 % 87 6.53 % 185 13.89 %
30 - 34 64 4.80 % 70 5.26 % 134 10.06 %
35 - 39 49 3.68 % 36 2.70 % 85 6.38 %
40 - 44 33 2.48 % 49 3.68 % 82 6.16 %
45 - 49 15 1.13 % 42 3.15 % 57 4.28 %
50 - 54 25 1.88 % 28 2.10 % 53 3.98 %
55 - 59 13 0.98 % 35 2.63 % 48 3.60 %
60+ 14 1.05 % 40 3.00 % 54 4.05 %
Total   601 45.12 731 54.88 1332 100%

My marital status is...

Response Men Count Men Percent Women Count Women Percent Total count Total Percent
Single 459 39.30 % 526 45.03 % 985 84.33 %
Married 46 3.94 % 28 2.40 % 74 6.34 %
Widowed 1 0.09 % 20 1.71 % 21 1.80 %
Divorced with annulment 10 0.86 % 30 2.57 % 40 3.42 %
Divorced without annulment 15 1.28 % 33 2.83 % 48 4.11 %
Total   531 45.46 % 637 54.54 % 1168 100 %

I am:

Response Men Count Men Percent Women Count Women Percent Total count Total Percent
Roman Catholic 447 38.27 % 535 45.80 % 982 84.08 %
Eastern Catholic 11 0.94 % 3 0.26 % 14 1.20 %
Becoming a Catholic 47 4.02 % 49 4.20 % 96 8.22 %
Not a Catholic 26 2.23 % 50 4.28 % 76 6.51 %
Total   531 45.46 % 637 54.54 % 1168 100 %

I am exploring the following vocations and/or lifestyles:

Response Men Count Men Percent Women Count Women Percent Total count Total Percent
Sister 1 0.04 % 534 23.60 % 535 23.64 %
Brother 288 12.73 % 2 0.09 % 290 12.81 %
Deacon 138 6.10 % 9 0.40 % 147 6.50 %
Lay Ministry/Associate/Service Program 153 6.76 % 194 8.57 % 347 15.33 %
Priest-Order 294 12.99 % 7 0.31 % 301 13.30 %
Priest-Diocesan 211 9.32 % 4 0.18 % 215 9.50 %
Secular Institute/Consecrated Life 170 7.51 % 257 11.36 % 427 18.87 %
Other 0 0.00 % 1 0.04 % 1 0.04 %
Total   1255 55.46 % 1008 44.54 % 2263 100 %

I am drawn to living in the following community type(s):

Response Men Count Men Percent Women Count Women Percent Total count Total Percent
Apostolic/Evangelical 336 14.38 % 429 18.36 % 765 32.73 %
Monastic 258 11.04 % 302 12.92 % 560 23.96 %
Cloistered/semi-cloistered 165 7.06 % 246 10.53 % 411 17.59 %
Missionary 283 12.11 % 318 13.61 % 601 25.72 %
Total   1042 44.59 % 1295 55.41 % 2337 100 %

Please indicate your current educational status.

Response Men Count Men Percent Women Count Women Percent Total count Total Percent
I am currently in high school/secondary school or working on a General Equivalency Diploma or Genera 95 8.19 % 103 8.88 % 198 17.07 %
I have a high school diploma/secondary certificate or other equivalency (but no further formal educa 78 6.72 % 82 7.07 % 160 13.79 %
I am currently in college, university, or technical school (or have completed courses toward a degre 96 8.28 % 139 11.98 % 235 20.26 %
I have a university, college, or associate/technical degree. 259 22.33 % 308 26.55 % 567 48.88 %
Total   528 45.52 % 632 54.48 % 1160 100 %

I would like to enter a organization in which a habit or distinctive religious garb is... (Note)

Response Men Count Men Percent Women Count Women Percent Total count Total Percent
Worn (some or all of the time) 405 31.62 % 492 38.41 % 897 70.02 %
Not worn 162 12.65 % 222 17.33 % 384 29.98 %
Total   567 44.26 % 714 55.74 % 1281 100 %

I am drawn to living...

Response Men Count Men Percent Women Count Women Percent Total count Total Percent
alone (while connected to a larger community) 83 12.05 % 81 11.76 % 164 23.80 %
in a group of 2 or 3 70 10.16 % 92 13.35 % 162 23.51 %
in a group of 4 to 7 63 9.14 % 105 15.24 % 168 24.38 %
in a group of 8 or more 60 8.71 % 135 19.59 % 195 28.30 %
Total   276 40.06 % 413 59.94 % 689 100 %

I would like to join a community that prays together...

Response Men Count Men Percent Women Count Women Percent Total count Total Percent
two or more times a day 84 15.41 % 119 21.83 % 203 37.25 %
daily 91 16.70 % 138 25.32 % 229 42.02 %
several times a week 51 9.36 % 62 11.38 % 113 20.73 %
Total   226 41.47 % 319 58.53 % 545 100 %

In what languages are you proficient?

Response Men Count Men Percent Women Count Women Percent Total count Total Percent
English 157 28.39 % 215 38.88 % 372 67.27 %
Spanish 26 4.70 % 43 7.78 % 69 12.48 %
French 14 2.53 % 13 2.35 % 27 4.88 %
Portuguese 7 1.27 % 5 0.90 % 12 2.17 %
Italian 9 1.63 % 15 2.71 % 24 4.34 %
Amer. Sign Lang. 1 0.18 % 2 0.36 % 3 0.54 %
Arabic 3 0.54 % 0 0.00 % 3 0.54 %
Bangla 0 0.00 % 1 0.18 % 1 0.18 %
Chinese 3 0.54 % 4 0.72 % 7 1.27 %
Filipino 2 0.36 % 2 0.36 % 4 0.72 %
German 9 1.63 % 7 1.27 % 16 2.89 %
Greek 1 0.18 % 1 0.18 % 2 0.36 %
Hmong 1 0.18 % 0 0.00 % 1 0.18 %
Japanese 1 0.18 % 0 0.00 % 1 0.18 %
Korean 0 0.00 % 1 0.18 % 1 0.18 %
Lithuanian 0 0.00 % 1 0.18 % 1 0.18 %
Polish 3 0.54 % 0 0.00 % 3 0.54 %
Russian 0 0.00 % 1 0.18 % 1 0.18 %
Tagalog 1 0.18 % 1 0.18 % 2 0.36 %
Vietnamese 2 0.36 % 0 0.00 % 2 0.36 %
Other 0 0.00 % 1 0.18 % 1 0.18 %
Total   240 43.40 % 313 56.60 % 553 100 %

I am drawn to the following prayer styles:

Response Men Count Men Percent Women Count Women Percent Total count Total Percent
Rosary 127 9.46 % 174 12.96 % 301 22.41 %
Liturgy of the Hours 104 7.74 % 118 8.79 % 222 16.53 %
Daily Mass 143 10.65 % 178 13.25 % 321 23.90 %
Eucharistic Adoration 119 8.86 % 172 12.81 % 291 21.67 %
Faith Sharing / Lectio Divina 95 7.07 % 113 8.41 % 208 15.49 %
Total   588 43.78 % 755 56.22 % 1343 100 %

I pray...

Response Men Count Men Percent Women Count Women Percent Total count Total Percent
occasionally 20 5.32 % 25 6.65 % 45 11.97 %
once or twice a day 57 15.16 % 100 26.60 % 157 41.76 %
more than two times a day 81 21.54 % 93 24.73 % 174 46.28 %
Total   158 42.02 % 218 57.98 % 376 100 %

Are you free of debt?

Response Men Count Men Percent Women Count Women Percent Total count Total Percent
Yes 121 32.35 % 143 38.24 % 264 70.59 %
No 39 10.43 % 71 18.98 % 110 29.41 %
Total   160 42.78 % 214 57.22 % 374 100 %

I have been considering religious life or the priesthood for...

Response Men Count Men Percent Women Count Women Percent Total count Total Percent
Just beginning 46 12.40 % 80 21.56 % 126 33.96 %
1 year 25 6.74 % 27 7.28 % 52 14.02 %
2 years 25 6.74 % 18 4.85 % 43 11.59 %
3 years 12 3.23 % 14 3.77 % 26 7.01 %
4 years 7 1.89 % 8 2.16 % 15 4.04 %
5+ years 42 11.32 % 67 18.06 % 109 29.38 %
Total   157 42.32 % 214 57.68 % 371 100 %

I have done volunteer work and/or gone on retreats of a religious nature.

Response Men Count Men Percent Women Count Women Percent Total count Total Percent
Yes 124 33.24 % 172 46.11 % 296 79.36 %
No 35 9.38 % 42 11.26 % 77 20.64 %
Total   159 42.63 % 214 57.37 % 373 100 %

I am interested in pursuing the following ministries or volunteer activities in the future:

Response Men Count Men Percent Women Count Women Percent Total count Total Percent
Education 110 5.61 % 137 6.99 % 247 12.60 %
Preaching 101 5.15 % 50 2.55 % 151 7.70 %
Retreat work 75 3.83 % 109 5.56 % 184 9.39 %
Parish 95 4.85 % 102 5.20 % 197 10.05 %
Prison ministry 56 2.86 % 63 3.21 % 119 6.07 %
Prayer 114 5.82 % 139 7.09 % 253 12.91 %
Youth/campus ministry 74 3.78 % 116 5.92 % 190 9.69 %
Social Service 67 3.42 % 123 6.28 % 190 9.69 %
Healthcare 45 2.30 % 100 5.10 % 145 7.40 %
Foreign missions 73 3.72 % 82 4.18 % 155 7.91 %
Manual labor 60 3.06 % 68 3.47 % 128 6.53 %
Other 1 0.05 % 0 0.00 % 1 0.05 %
Total   871 44.44 % 1089 55.56 % 1960 100 %

Have you participated in a formal discernment process?

Response Men Count Men Percent Women Count Women Percent Total count Total Percent
Yes, I have participated in a formal discernment process. 49 13.65 % 31 8.64 % 80 22.28 %
No, I have not participated in a formal discernment process. 105 29.25 % 174 48.47 % 279 77.72 %
Total   154 42.90 % 205 57.10 % 359 100 %

I have been involved in the following ministries or volunteer activities in the past five years:

Response Men Count Men Percent Women Count Women Percent Total count Total Percent
Education 59 6.67 % 82 9.28 % 141 15.95 %
Preaching 34 3.85 % 12 1.36 % 46 5.20 %
Retreat work 37 4.19 % 42 4.75 % 79 8.94 %
Parish 64 7.24 % 73 8.26 % 137 15.50 %
Prison ministry 6 0.68 % 6 0.68 % 12 1.36 %
Prayer 70 7.92 % 79 8.94 % 149 16.86 %
Youth/campus ministry 52 5.88 % 72 8.14 % 124 14.03 %
Social Service 33 3.73 % 32 3.62 % 65 7.35 %
Healthcare 19 2.15 % 39 4.41 % 58 6.56 %
Foreign missions 8 0.90 % 7 0.79 % 15 1.70 %
Manual labor 28 3.17 % 30 3.39 % 58 6.56 %
Total   410 46.38 % 474 53.62 % 884 100 %

I have received the following religious training:

Response Men Count Men Percent Women Count Women Percent Total count Total Percent
Catholic school 75 28.74 % 97 37.16 % 172 65.90 %
Theological school 21 8.05 % 14 5.36 % 35 13.41 %
CCD (Confraternity of Christian Doctrine) 17 6.51 % 36 13.79 % 53 20.31 %
Other 0 0.00 % 1 0.38 % 1 0.38 %
Total   113 43.29 % 148 56.70 % 261 100 %

I have worked in the following areas:

Response Men Count Men Percent Women Count Women Percent Total count Total Percent
Business 35 5.88 % 56 9.41 % 91 15.29 %
Education/Training 63 10.59 % 79 13.28 % 142 23.87 %
Healthcare 32 5.38 % 60 10.08 % 92 15.46 %
Nonprofit, social work 43 7.23 % 51 8.57 % 94 15.80 %
Technical, mechanical, electrical work 30 5.04 % 15 2.52 % 45 7.56 %
Law enforcement, military 10 1.68 % 9 1.51 % 19 3.19 %
Legal work 11 1.85 % 7 1.18 % 18 3.03 %
Ministry (religious) 11 1.85 % 10 1.68 % 21 3.53 %
Ministry (lay) 41 6.89 % 31 5.21 % 72 12.10 %
Other 1 0.17 % 0 0.00 % 1 0.17 %
Total   277 46.55 % 318 53.45 % 595 100 %