- Capuchin Franciscan Friars (O.F.M.Cap.) (Community)
- PIME Missionaries (PIME) (Community)
- PIME Missionaries (PIME) (Community)
- Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers (M.M.) (Community)
- Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers (M.M.) (Community)
- Sisters of the Sorrowful Mother Third Order Regular of St. Francis of Assisi (S.S.M.) (Community)
- Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia (O.S.F.) (Community)
- Marianists, Society of Mary (S.M.) (Community)
- Capuchin Franciscan Friars (O.F.M.Cap.) (Community)
- Marianists, Society of Mary (S.M.) (Community)
- African dream: my 17 years in Kenya (Article by Sister Mary Kerber, S.S.N.D.)
- Building the kingdom one step at a time (Article by Father Terrance Doherty, S.M.A. )
- Ugandan sister mends lives (Article by Jennifer Tomshack)
- Oblate Sisters of Providence (O.S.P.) (Community)
14 Results