- Spinning with the Spirit - VISION music podcasts (Article by DJ Phyre)
- PODCAST: Runner's delight (Article by DJ Phyre)
- PODCAST: Christmas Jingles (Article by DJ Phyre)
- PODCAST: Cupid Shuffle (Article by DJ Phyre)
- Podcast: Erin Go Bragh (Article by DJ Phyre)
- Podcast: What is faith? (Article by DJ Phyre)
- Workers in the virtual vineyard (Article by Joel Schorn)
- Podcast: America, the Beautiful (Article by DJ Phyre)
- SONG: Wake the world with dawning joy (Article by Steven Warner, music and lyrics )
- Random Nun Clip: How is prayer a way for Carmelite nuns to reach out to the needs of the world? (Article by A Nun's Life Ministry - anunslife.org)
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